I go from the smolder
into the izba
where six-scorched
somethings await
that are like real things
it would be good to say to someone
I see you
it would not be good to see you for a long time
casket means body
people are one kind of thing
you can kill me
she takes out pickled mushrooms
flower means casket means body
people think something like this:
it would be bad for this to happen to someone
it would be bad for this to happen to me
she draws a hot decoction
from the kid's bellybutton
she feels something good toward me
she says something like this: I want to give you more
I am not smoldering
I feel something bad
to the threshold
to the threshold
to the shoulder
she's got a hold of
and drags
me back to the shoulder
the threshold
she has lice and backwoods
tumultuous quiets
half somnambulist
half corpse
she's good
she's good
people think something like this:
there are some things no one can know
it would be good to help someone
I feel good toward someone
and just like them I am a godmother