Each attempt to seek
a ripple in the structure
interval moving across
water sounds against walls. Not
a room but a chamber
bound by a tremor in the ear-
drum, into which one casts
small variables, breaths to ring
the surface, to sound a depth.
• • •
Breath’s flung tapestry,
diaphanous cathedral
evening thrown through
with light sung upward.
Behind the screen, the stone
structure stands, gathering
its meaning. Within its with-
held cavity, a rigorous
silence expands and arches lucent.
• • •
The tongue occupies
a silence at the heart
of the sentence. If I
look long enough my mouth
opens to expose a sung
negative: if I, if I. Syll-
ables fall into a small
heap of conditionals,
so many attempts to see.
• • •
As seeing would have it
the landscape impresses
a surface behind the eye,
invisible optic
pulse persons numerous
and things, the curious
thing between us the day’s forms
printed in relief explain each
other each single instance among.
• • •
Earth become information
the news always arrives to
a body placed in a public
clearing in which one occasion
of sensitive life attunes it-
self. The dailies, the differences
one wakes to find make the city
one lives in. Walks across
bridges, under arches of language.