Harp & Altar
Joshua Cohen
from North Vain, Bluff

Evelyn Hampton

Lily Hoang

Peter Markus

Bryson Newhart

Robert Walser
translated by Mark Harman and Walter Arndt

Jessica Baron

We need a place to start from. As follows:

inner : instrument :: psychic : life

auxiliary : role :: bodily : apparatus

a virtuoso : to play :: a master : to feel

attention : a reflector :: silence : a flimsy affair


The following statement:

chords : harmonize :: we : evolve


That depends:

a conception : forthcoming :: a reasoned form : arising


To be more exact:

this life : summed up :: things : began to hum


Quite right. How could it be otherwise? How should I

know? What is it? How should I know? Who is it? Believe

in what? What shall I imagine?